Monday, December 27, 2010

Task 2

Hello Models,
For this second task, you are to do a scenery. The theme is..............Italian Vouge! You can Google it and look at the fashion and backgrounds.
For your scenery, you have to have an outfit that looks like it would be found in Italy. The background also has to look Italian. You may change your hair and make-up to match the theme. In the comment box for the scenery, you are to describe what your medoll is wearing. Here is what you will be judged on:

1) Theme  __/5
2) Outfit __/5
3) Potential __/5
4) Description (of scenery) __/5

The task is to be finished by January 2, 2011. If the task is not done by January 2, 2011, then you will automatically be disqualified.

You do NOT have to, but if you know how to do Tiny Pic, you may. You do NOT HAVE TO, it is just something extra.

'Till Next Time,

Sunday, December 26, 2010

Elimination Ceremony

Hi Models! 
The task you were assigned to do was to decorate two pages in your album. On the first page, you were to have a holiday themed background with your medoll in her holiday wear. On the second page, you were to describe why you love the holidays and why you should win this competition. To my disappointment, FOUR girls didn't do the task. That means they are all automatically disqualified. Those who did the task were great! But all competitions must have a bottom two. 

The Bottom Two:

In this task, your bold sense of style showed clearly. From the way the wallpaper was zebra to your adorable outfit. Your description about the holidays was sweet and heartfelt.

Your background was great, but not as holidayish as I hoped. You matched your outfit and scarf perfectly. Will your unique taste in style get you through to the next round?

And the person who will continue on to the next round is..............
Sissimba1      Congratulations! 

As for Charisgirl1618, I am so sorry. You show great potential in modeling. I hope you still enter in other competitions because you do have potential in modeling.

The winner for this task was:  amy_0202   

The new task will be up soon!

'Till next time,

Friday, December 10, 2010

Cycle 1 Task 1

Dear Models,

As you all know, the holidays are coming. For the first task, you are to deticate two pages in your albulm for this. On the first page, you are to have your medoll in her holiday wear. Behind your medoll, please have a background. It has to be holiday themed! On your second page, you are to write about why the holidays are important to you. You also have to write why you want to win Diamond_VIP. You do NOT have to have a background on this page because it will be easier to read if there isn't. The deadline is December 17 at 5.

This is extra: If you know how to do Tiny Pic, you can include one. If you don't know how to, it is not required!

'Till Next Time,


Hey everyone! This blog is for club Diamond_VIP on Stardoll. All of the competitions will be posted on here! There is currently a a modeling competition going on! The first task will be posted on here! Please follow for updates!
